Friday, January 29, 2010

Web Content That Hurts Your Website

Web content isn't just words. It also includes all graphical and other elements on your site. While this blog is mostly about the textual content, there are a few other forms of content that are widely used that actually harm your website. Here are some of them and reasons why you should never include such content on your business site:

Animated Splash Screens

Many web designers sell customers animated splash screens that display when the visitor lands on your site. The next thing most visitors do when they encounter these screens is click the Back button. Visitors come to your website to learn about what you have to offer, not to be entertained. Splash screens always have a negative effect on your visitors. Kill them.

Automatic Sound and Music

Far too many websites greet visitors with some sort of sound or music that starts playing as soon as they arrive. Why would anyone do this? In the first place, many people who visit your site are browsing at their workplace. It's just a fact of life. Do you suppose they want it advertised that they're wool-gathering instead of working? Also, not everyone's taste in music is the same as yours. The music you like may annoy the heck out of a potential customer. Finally, many web visitors already have their own favorite music playing in the background. Automatic music on a web site is the internet equivalent of a guy driving down the street with his music booming out of his car. Don't you hate that? Silence your website.

Fairy Dust and Cursor Followers

Do you think these are cute and entertaining? They're not. They annoy most visitors and you don't want to annoy visitors. They leave and don't come back. Lose these silly toys.

Make your website informative and easy to navigate. Use your content to enhance your business, not drive away potential customers. Email Me for a free evaluation of your web site's content. I'll be happy to help understand how fresh content can convert your visitors into leads and sales.