Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How Your Content Affects Search Engine Results

Most people who visit your website find it after searching for some word or phrase. If your site is among the first four or five results presented by the search engine, it's far more likely to be visited than if it's way down on the results page. Even worse, if your site doesn't appear on the first page of search engine results, few people will find it at all. Those are the realities of websites in the 21st century.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the science and practice of helping websites achieve the highest possible placement in search engine results. It's a complex thing, and depends on many factors. Optimizing a site for SEO purposes requires work on the framework of a website, but also depends heavily on the text content of the site. In all cases, SEO optimization requires the selection of search phrases and words that are matches for what typical visitors search for. The more such phrases appear in your website's contents, the better it will do in search engine results placement.

It's not that simple, though. Clumsy, heavy-handed use of SEO search terms and phrases can defeat the purpose of attracting visitors to the site. This is a common error made by website designers and SEO specialists. It does no good to get people to come to your business's website if they leave as soon as they see poorly-written content that exists only to attract them to the site.

Professional web content writers have a knack for using SEO search terms and phrases effectively in your content, while keeping the content compelling and readable. This knack is not easily learned, but is developed through experience and study. The best web content reads just like any marketing material, without being awkward and clumsy. SEO is important, but your content must also sell the products and services you offer to visitors.

Email Me for a free evaluation of your web site's content. I'll be happy to help you understand how expertly-written and effective content can meet your SEO goals gracefully, while enticing your visitors to stay on the site and become your customers. If you also need web design and SEO services, I can recommend a powerful website design company with a proven track record of SEO results. See the sites linked on the left for samples of what we have done together.